BBQ Chicken Quinoa Salad

Can I just tell you how much fun it is to take photos of food in a kitchen that actually has windows!  When purchasing my home, one of my favorite aspects about it was the open layout and how much light came into the house - which was something I certainly didn't have in my old apartment.  Not. Even. Close.  Despite it being cold and snowy all weekend, I still managed to fill each room with fresh flowers, sit back and take it all in.

Oh and I cooked too of course,
it WAS Super Bowl weekend and all.

And let me just go ahead and throw out that I will never (I repeat NEVER) go to the grocery store the night before a big game again.  Holy crazy people!  We had a few of our friends over Saturday night so I ran out to the store real quick to get everything I needed to make bruschetta.  BIG mistake.  Not only did I almost have to fight a woman to get to the tomatoes, but you would have thought there was a huge shortage of beer with all the men stocking up like the apocolypse was upon us.


Regardless, I was able to survive my trek through the store and came home excited to make this.  Shredded barbeque chicken, fluffy quinoa, black beans, corn, avocado...the perfect salad.  This is actually a great dish to make at the end of the week when you don't know what to do with all those stray leftovers hanging around your kitchen.  We had made BBQ chicken sandwiches over the weekend in our slow cooker so I tossed it with quinoa and few other things hanging around my cabinets.  The combination tasted super delicious and I think it might be one of those to add to the rotation.

Packed with lots of protein and fiber, this salad is an all around healthy meal that will fill you up and keep you satisfied.  It also heats up great in the microwave in case you wanted to save extra to bring to work the next day.  How can you go wrong?? 


Servings: 4
Serving Size: 1 1/2 cups
Calories: 201
Fat: 5.4 g
Carbs: 26.8 g

Fiber: 6.1 g
Protein: 11.4 g
Old Points: 3.7 pts
Points+: 5 pts
Here are your ingredients:
Recipe adapted from What's Gaby Cooking

1 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup frozen or fresh corn, thawed
1/2 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup shredded chicken, cooked
2 Tbsp barbeque sauce of your choice
1/2 avocado, chopped
2 green onions, chopped
Salt and pepper, to taste
Cilantro, as garnish

Cook quinoa according to package directions.  Note: I pre-cooked my chicken in a slow cooker the day before with chopped onion and some BBQ sauce - make sure to plan ahead.  

In a large bowl, mix together quinoa, corn, black beans, chicken and barbeque sauce.  Fold in avocado, green onions and season with salt and pepper.  Top with a bit of cilantro and enjoy!

Happy Monday lovelies!  Sorry for not having any pictures up yet of the house on the blog, it snowed all weekend which made it so dark and dreary - obvi I can't take pretty pictures inside with no sunlight, sigh.  I'm excited to show you so they'll be posted soon!



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